Jan 19, 2011 19:59
Mercedes is pretty much exactly as she is in the show (because who wants to mess with this HBIC anyway?); sassy, confident and happy with how and who she is. Okay, maybe a little different to the show; she couldn't give a flying crap about getting a boyfriend. If it happens, it happens and if it happens, it should totally be a Warbler. Just saying.. She's living the good life right now and laughing at her friends whenever they get into romantic problems (oh hey, Kurt, Blaine, how you doing over there?). She's happy as long as her family are happy, and that's the New Directions kids and any of her friends, so don't mess with them or she'll hurt you. Her dad's a dentist (and not working with Carl, hah) and her mother is an office manager. Nice, middle class happy lifestyle. She's still a devout Christian though she won't get in your face about it usually and... It's Mercedes. What can I say? Apart from the fact I'm shit at these.
About the player
Hey! I'm Alsa, I'm twenty and I'm from the UK. I'm currently studying at university in Wales and if you happen to look at whatever posts are on my LJ, it's mostly me ranting about housemates. I'll just admit it now. I adore Glee and pretty much love everyone on the show, but Mercedes is pretty much my favourite (aside from Kurt and Sue. What can I say?). I'm usually pretty chill and happy to do whatever, because crack is fun it makes life more interesting, and I've been roleplaying for about six years now. Yay! Uh. Yeah. I'll go hide in this corner now. <3 IT'S ALSO SO COLD IN THIS HOUSE MY BRAIN HAS CLEARLY FROZEN AND I CAN'T WORK CODES. Or caps lock. *dies*