Title: Cabin Fever Ch5 - Island Girl
Characters: Sawyer/Juliet
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 852
Spoilers: up to "LaFleur"
Summary: How is it that two people, neither of whom are really good at letting people in, can accept the fact that they have feelings for one another. And how do you get them to give in to, when neither of them believe they are worthy of those feelings?
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I'm just playing in Dharmaville.
A/N: Thanks again for the encouragement. I love writing for Sawyer because you can pretty much get away with anything! There will be no new chapter tomorrow as it is Tuesday and therefore LOST day and I will need time to flail and pick up the pieces of my exploded brain so that I can glue it back together. I promise, as always, not to keep you waiting very long.
One Two Three Four Island Girl x--x