Oct 02, 2006 20:03
you told me it never mattered.
I took the news rather well last night. But maybe it's because I'm hiding something from the world. Or maybe because I expected it out of you. Well, who really knows...
I know its hard not to mope about it, and what not. But keep your head up. You can't beat yourself up over something that you can't take back, or something you can't fix.
Fold your cards, turn in your chips. Walk away with your head hung low, looking at your shuffling feet. Get down on your knees and weep - - not to yourself, but to God. Repent. No matter what it takes. Repent. Nothing is going to happen unless you do.
I won't even candy coat it - if and when people find out, they're opinions of you will change and they will look at you differently.
You're girl is still out there. She'll show up when you stop looking. I promise. And if she doesn't, I'll become a nun, I promise.
Just remember that David and Jonathan got through everything together.
They were there for each other. They had a trust and a bond that never got broken.
That's you and I. Because nothing will ever change my opinion about you.
We're like salt and pepper bro.
And I love you.