Camp Windego

Aug 28, 2019 01:41

Woke up at a quarter to 11 AM. Yikes.

Mimi Meow has been complaining up a storm. I think that the message is that I'm not feeding her fast enough for her liking. She settled down after eating.

Two people at the college are from Wild Rose, Wisconsin, which is where I went to Girl Scout camp a million years ago. I went looking for the camp online, and it was sold a few years ago. Bummer. It was a nice camp.

I made the Risotto with Scallops and Mushrooms tonight. Risotto is a lot of work, but oh, was it good. And I even enjoyed cooking! I'm only going to get two meals out of it, however.

Way to lose weight: have a cat who really, really wants your frozen yogurt. I got only a few spoonfuls down before I gave up. Thanks, Zara.

I want to go to sleep after I finish cleaning up from the meal.

Mimi is like the boneless cat from Peanuts. She's draped across my lap. Whoops, she jumped off.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, food, cooking, mimi

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