Aug 17, 2019 00:22

Woke up late, a little after 11 AM. Scrambled. Made it into work more or less on time.
Crud. Forgot to call the hospital back to do a pre-check-in call for my mammogram next week. Guess I'll have to call on Monday. I've been spacey today. Also got distracted by an issue that we're having at work.

I've been enjoying the salad. Who'd a thunk, given that I'm not usually a salad fan. Got to get ingredients for the berry salad on Sunday.

And I got everything done that I needed to get done at work. Buzzed over to the store to get some grits (and cherry turnovers off of the discount rack).

Fed the girls as soon as I got home. They're in for a rude awakening next week when I go back to leaving a little after 10 PM. But they have me for the weekend (well, except for the staff meeting on Sunday).

Ate the last of the pasta. I'll make the salmon tomorrow.

I just found free accounting software for my indexing business. Far out.

Okay, cool. Deposited $10 in my vacation account. Every little bit helps.

Feeling too tired to do anything major. Maybe I'll read for a while before going to sleep. Or not. I'm feeling like going to sleep, but think that it's too early, which is stupid.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, business, food, doctor, travel, work, cats

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