Woke up around noon. Talked politics with Mom for a bit and fed me and the girls.
Mom is going out to go to the resale shop and poke around the square a little. I might take a quick nap and then build some of my organizing things.
Took a nap. Built the over-the-toilet shelves. One down.
Threw myself together. Mimi came into the bathroom with me and was rolling around on the bath mat. Goof. I accidentally locked Mom out. I was supposed to leave the door unlocked but automatically locked it.
Mom and I gorged ourselves on biscuits and gravy, hash browns, and eggs. Then we ate carrot cake for dessert. Burp. I'm amazed that I'm still awake.
The pharmacy next door to the restaurant offers meds in little packs for the morning and evening of each day. I'm wondering if I should transfer my prescriptions and try that.
Mom found a couple of Bach and Mozart concert DVDs at the thrift store, so we ran back to get them.
Progress in blogville: I bought a WordPress theme to use and communicated with the graphic designer about the logo.
Did some Swagbucking. I need to go to sleep now because I need to get up early to get my hair cut.
x-posted from Dreamwidth