Excessive Heat Was Excessive

Jul 21, 2019 00:34

I had problems falling asleep last night because I forgot to take my nighttime meds at first. Plus, I was hungry, so I got up and made some Ramen.

Slept until 2 PM. Got up and promptly fed the girls because they must have been hungry. Mimi didn't eat her wet food and waited until I fed her the dry. Weird.

It's great having the New York Times again. They canceled my subscription because I was unable to pay last month. I went to resubscribe at the educator's rate. It used to be that having a .edu e-mail account was enough, but now they wanted further proof of being an "educator". I took a picture of my ID card at work, but kept on forgetting to post it to them. I finally remembered the other day and voila, newspaper on my phone.

Got the girls fed and watered. I'm fed and coffeed. Skimmed the top stories at the New York Times. I need to do the breakfast dishes, and then it's time for a nap.

Zara is lying on top of the chest freezer, which apparently is cool.

Checked when the "Excessive Heat Warning" is over because I'd like to go get some soda, and it's over at 7 PM. That will work.

Had a nice nap and something to eat. Zara and I contested for my chair, but we worked it out.

Threw myself together and went out. Bought some turnovers as well as milk and soda. I was eating a turnover, and Zara was going after it. I told her, "No". Then she decided to go after the ones in the box. I rescued the box and put it on top of the fridge. Zara thinks that it's woefully unfair that I get to eat stuff that she wants.

Talked to Mom. She thinks that she might not be able to come in August after all. She's worried about driving in the heat, plus she still has a squirrel in the house that she's trying to get rid of. We'll see what happens. I told her that I'll have some time off in October for Fall Break.

I had to get a burrito out of the freezer, on which Zara was sitting, and she smacked me. She had her claws in, however.

Fed the girls and ate dinner. Hung up my freshly-washed clothes on the drying rack. Now I'm going to listen to some recorded webinars.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, mom, sleep, mimi

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