A Lively Conversation

Jun 24, 2019 23:10

Had a hard time falling asleep last night. At first, I forgot to take my nighttime meds (they knock me out, although that's not why I'm taking them), but I got up and took them. The smoke alarm in my bedroom has a flashing light on it, and the light was driving me crazy. It's right above my head on the bed too. Eventually, I fell asleep.

And I overslept this morning. Sigh.

It was over 80% humidity in the library today. It wasn't so bad in the back where I was, but walking out into the front felt like being slapped with a wet washcloth.

We tell our students that academic writing is a conversation between the researchers that you are reading and you. I think that this is true no matter what the writing is. Today, I was cataloging The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and I was thinking that I'd really like to do some popular science writing when I retire. I cataloged The Indispensable Composers: A Personal Guide, and I thought that it has been a long time since I've listened to Bach. Etc. This phenomenon also explains why I get so easily distracted at work.

I came straight home after work and completely forgot that I needed to go to the grocery store. Decided to eat before going. Went and came back.

Mimi has to be everywhere that I am. I'm in the office, and so is she. (She just walked out to make a liar of me.)

I've been drinking mango-passion fruit juice and tea, and it is wonderful. Makes me want to go to Hawaii.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

book, food, sleep, weather, mimi

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