Weather or Not

May 10, 2019 22:54

I startled a cat when I went outside to get something out of my car. I talked to the cat, and it stopped and looked at me. I went up the stairs and went inside, and the cat came partway up the stairs and stared at me though the screen door. We looked at each other for a while, and eventually I shut the door. I might have made a friend.

You never know what the weather will be like. Yesterday, it was hot, and I was overdressed. Today, it was cold, and I was underdressed. Make up your mind, Mother Nature.

Woke up at 9:30 AM, decided that it was too early to get up, and woke up at 12:30. Much better.

Had some snuggle time with Zara.

Hmm. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, and Commencement is tomorrow. Glad that it's not my problem to solve.

Got the girls and myself fed.

Tried to take a nap, but couldn't fall asleep. Got up and found clothes to wear tomorrow. Threw a load of wash in the washer.

The cats are fighting. Oy. Now Mimi is playing with a cat toy, tossing it up in the air and running after it. Now Mimi and I are having "chair wars"; I get up, and she takes my chair.

Was reading a decluttering book that suggested buying a coat rack for purses, bags, and coats. I had one in San Jose, but I must have gotten rid of it when I moved. I have a perfect spot for one. Found one on Walmart's Web site that I like, but I'll have to wait to get it. Also found an umbrella stand that I like. Checked local Facebook sites for coat racks and umbrella stands. Found an umbrella stand that I like, but it's just as expensive as a new one.

Had a bite to eat.

Folded some clothes.

Got into my cleaning clothes and cleaned the bathroom except for mopping the floor. (I'll mop later.) Had great fun cleaning and singing "Let's Go Crazy" by Prince. Based on the book that I'm reading, I gathered the stuff on the sink in a plastic basket and the things that I use daily in another basket under the sink.

I was going to throw myself together and go to the store, but now I feel like taking a nap. I guess that I'll mop the bathroom floor and nap while it dries. I'll go to the store after Commencement tomorrow.

Had a nice nap. Ate dinner. Mopped the bathroom floor. Swept and mopped the bedroom floor. I'm done cleaning for the night. Fed the girls. Need to go to bed soon because I need to get up early for Commencement. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, decluttering, weather, cleaning, mimi

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