To C, Or Not to C, Continued

Apr 25, 2019 22:59

Everything that I've read on the Web says to focus on one programming language at a time. So I'm going to do a deep dive into Python and tackle C later. But the C class that I want to take will end at the end of the year, so I don't want to start it too late. Started the Python class.

I did do some unpacking. Go me.

Major cat fight last night. Apparently Mimi was mad that Zara was in the TV room. Mimi sometimes sleeps there during the day, but she sleeps with me at night. I don't see why Zara couldn't use the room if Mimi's not using it, but I'm not a cat. I hope that they won't start fighting now.

Woke up a little after my alarm at 10 AM.

The shower curtain rod came down, but I fixed it.

I looked at what movies are out, but nothing that interests me. Time to fire up NetFlix.

Started making a grocery list. Couldn't think of what pesto sauce was called. Kept coming up with "basil," which was the right idea but wrong word. Eventually the right word popped into my head.

A guy came by to bury the Comcast cables.

I have a little time to unpack boxes. Every little bit helps.

Zara didn't finish her food. But she's eating Mimi's food. Crazy cats.

Mimi was lying right outside the bathroom door when I took a shower. Her tail was under the door into the bathroom, so I grabbed it (gently, of course). She went "Hm!" and withdrew her tail.

Kitty drama. Zara was on my lap, but Mimi came over and stared at Zara until Zara got off my lap. Now Mimi's on my lap. Sigh. I need to get going.

Threw in a load of laundry so that I can test whether the dryer is working tomorrow morning.

Was going to go to the store after work, but realized that I can make grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner. Or I can have fried chicken and mashed potatoes. The girls are low on food, but should make it until tomorrow.

It's raining. I hope that it stops before tomorrow because I have a bunch of errands to run. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, move, food, weather, programming, mimi

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