One Thing Fixed. One Thing Broken.

Apr 20, 2019 05:36

Forgot to mention that I found the number of a lawn care person, and need to contact him, although I'm kind of broke until I get paid again.

Also forgot to mention that I'm off Friday through Monday for the "Spring Holiday".

Forgot to mention that I read a description of the new Star Wars area at Disneyland and Disney World, and it sounds like lots of fun. I'd prefer to go to Disney World, even though I like Disneyland better, because I love Epcot. I'd want to wait until the crowds die down though. Have to try a Jedi Mind Trick drink in the cantina.

Pried myself out of bed at 8 AM.

The appliance repair people called, and they have a stop at 9, and then they'll come over.

Damn, it's dark and gloomy. I have the lights ablaze in the kitchen.

The guy is here fixing the dryer. I emptied two boxes while he was here. The dryer seems to be working. I threw a second load in the wash because the second dryer load is usually when the dryer fails.

Had some snuggle time with Zara.

Took a dryer load out and the clothes were dry, but not scorching hot like they have been. Put another dryer load in, and the dryer turned on! Yay! Maybe the guy was right, and there was a loose connection to the thermostat.

Two more boxes done. In a bit of serendipity, one contained some math books that I can use to practice math. I'm trying to figure out what to do with books that I don't want. There used to be a book donation box near Kroger, but they took it away when Kroger closed. Apparently Heartland in Normal has one. That would be convenient.

The second dryer load finished normally. I believe we're back in business.

Nap time. Had a good nap. Mimi is perched on my lap.

Worked on a couple more boxes, but Zara jumped into one of the boxes and batted at me when I tried to put my hand in, so I went to set up the computer and printer in the office. Zara came in, wondering what I was doing in HER room. While I was installing the printer software, I emptied a couple more boxes. The only problem that I had is that the USB hub is missing its USB cord, so I need to get a new one.

Aargh. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to get my printer to print. It says that it's connected on the network, but when I print, it spits out a blank page. I tried taking the cartridge out and putting it back in to no avail. I tried connecting it by USB cord, but it doesn't recognize that it's connected. I give up.

Had some pizza. Zara jumped on my lap when I finished eating. I told her that she was out of luck.

I'm almost out of milk, but don't feel like going out tonight. I suppose that I could make scrambled eggs for breakfast.

The kitchen/dining area has a breakfast bar that requires bar stools. However, I have a kitchen table. I'm wondering if I could get a cheap bar stool, and use the area as a writing desk. I didn't have enough room in the office to put the folding table up.

I'm going to feed the girls and lie down for a little while.

I should stop kidding myself that I'm going to get up when I nap late at night. Woke up briefly at 4 AM. Woke up at 5, and got up for a little while. I'm going to have something to eat, and then I'm going to go back to sleep for a while. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, move, aargh, travel, work, mimi

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