
Mar 12, 2019 21:14

Woke up at 9 AM after having some problems falling asleep. Zara joined Mimi and me on the bed last night, and Mimi was okay to her. May wonders never cease. I was worried that Zara would smack me, though, because I kept changing position trying to relax. She didn't.

The vaginal bleeding that I've been having appears to have stopped. I still want to know why I've been having it though.

Got into work early, although I'll have to leave in the afternoon for the ultrasound.

My application for the mobile home has been approved locally. (It has to go to corporate for final approval.) They just want proof of renter's insurance, and they'll set me up to sign the lease on Friday. BIG sigh of relief. I'm not going to really relax until I sign the lease though.

The ultrasound wasn't too bad. I'll hear the results in the next couple of days.

Both Zara and Mimi vanished while I was home for dinner, although Zara had been on my lap for a while previously. I don't know where they went. The place is not that big!

They reappeared when I got home, thinking that I was going to feed them. I got home early because I got in early, so I'm going to feed myself first. I felt too tired to cook, but making scrambled eggs and toast doesn't take long, and I have leftover corned beef hash from last night. And it's CHEAP!

Zara was stalking my corned beef hash. I told her that she was being rude. But cute.

I think that I'm going to feed the hordes and promptly go to bed. I'm very tired. And I want to get up early and pack. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, move, apartment, food, doctor, tires, mimi

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