
Feb 25, 2019 22:32

Had a hard time getting up. Glad that I went to sleep early last night.

Got my butt in gear. Put clothes in the dryer. Did dishes. Put the girls' food and water out so that I can just drop them off and go into work.

Studied Spanish flashcards. The week off didn't help.

Ran early, so I lay down for a few minutes.

Got the girls. They said that Mimi had a good time because they let her out to roam around. (They also said that Zara hissed at them if they so much as looked at her the wrong way, and I thought, "That's my girl".) The girls shot out of the carriers when I got them home. Now they're checking that it's still home. Mimi said "Hi" by bonking my leg. Zara looked like she wanted to say "Hi," but was still too stressed out. She'll calm down eventually.

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, an engineer built a remote-control snow blower. Engineers gotta engineer :) Damn, that would be nice to have.

I did something to my lower back and the muscles are spasming.  Probably has to do with hauling stuff through airports.

Zara has been friendly when I came home for dinner. Mimi seems a little insecure and wants to jump on my lap.

Apparently I was missed at work. Job security :)

Oh crap. My landlord wants to sell the building, and he wants me out so that he can renovate it. Crap. crap. crap.

I think that I need an extended stay in a padded room. x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, zara, aargh, work, cats, mimi

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