Planes, Buses, and Automobiles Part 1

Feb 23, 2019 07:05

The conference went through the morning. I'm still processing the conference.

My friend Don did get back to me, so I'm going downtown this afternoon.

Had a leisurely lunch at Denny's and then headed downtown. I'm at the public library now, charging my phone.

My friend has had problems sleeping, so it looks like we won't meet for dinner. I told him that I'm going to head for the airport at 6 if I don't hear from him.

I didn't hear from him, so I headed for the airport. I spent slightly over an hour outside of the secure area reading. Then I started to get hungry, so I went through security. Note to self: travel with fewer electronic devices.

Most of the restaurants had limited food because it was 8:30 and they closed at 9. I finally scored a chicken-salad sandwich on raisin bread, which was good. I'm also in a good spot to watch the planes taxi and take off. I'm in no hurry to get to the gate because it's still two hours to flight time.

My friend called me around 9 PM. He had just woken up. We chatted a little. Now I'm at the gate.

On the plane. Surprisingly full flight for a red-eye. I did get some sleep, although there was turbulence and the person next to me kept on knocking into me.

At Atlanta airport, waiting for the Chicago flight.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

don, code4lib, travel, san jose

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