Conference Day 1

Feb 20, 2019 22:46

Woke up in about perfect time to go to the conference. Walked over (slightly over a mile). I've been drowsy this morning, so I think that I'll skip the evening reception and take a nap instead. I've been to the Tech before anyway.

The thing with (largely) coding conferences is that you get a 10,000 foot view of people's projects. Good for inspiration for starting your own projects, but not much info about actually implementing them.

Lunch was make-your-own-taco. Couldn't have been more messy, but it was free. Well, included in the conference fee != free, but it wasn't coming out of MY pocket.

Now I'm back at the Airbnb. I'm certainly getting my exercise; it's a slightly over a mile walk one way. And I'm going to walk to dinner later. It's nap time now.

I thought that I couldn't fall asleep due to all the coffee that I drank today, but the next thing that I knew, I had overslept the alarm.

Now I just ate fattening pancakes at Denny's. The location of the Airbnb couldn't be better with Denny's and 7 Eleven within walking distance.

Time to crash.... x-posted from Dreamwidth

code4lib, conference, travel, san jose

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