
Feb 02, 2019 01:56

Overslept my alarm, but eventually got up around 11AM. Did my usual morning routine, plus made a grocery list. Threw clothes in the dryer.

Had my doctor appointment. Made a reservation to board the girls at the vet later this month. (They were glad because "there was only one cat back there".)

Stopped at the new gym, got an overview from the owner (whom I really liked), and got the combo so that I could come in any time. They have a rowing machine! I love rowing machines! If I want to take classes though, they aren't included in my health insurance membership, so I'd need to pay $5 a class. Hmm, they have a Zumba class on Wednesday that I'd like to try. I'd have to eat dinner at my desk though.

Went grocery shopping, and also bought a fitness journal that I can use to track my exercises. Now I'm eating.

Took a nap and slept way longer than I had planned. Fed the girls.

Wrote an e-mail to my new accountability partner. Also posted to Reddit looking for a gym accountability partner.  My new accountability partner wrote back, and she sounds great. I put in over an hour on Spanish, so already having an accountability partner is helping me! Someone also responded to my Reddit post, but I'm a little more dubious about her.

Can't stop yawning. Need to crash. x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, errands, doctor, exercise

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