"Do You Know the Way to San Jose?"

Jan 03, 2019 23:47

Got almost 9 hours of sleep. Woke up just before my alarm. Tired though.

Couldn't find Zara anywhere. Walked around calling her until she appeared in the hall. I have no idea where she was.

The blanket that my mom was using on the futon is still there, and Mimi has decided that it makes a great cat bed. I'll put it away eventually, but I'm letting Mimi have it for now. Good thing that Mom isn't allergic to cats. Maybe I should wash it.

Wore one of my new-to-me sweaters. I like it.

My dentist called me about some money that they said that I owed, and I called them back and asked them why I owed it because I paid my co-pay for the cleaning. They took the charge off. Not bad saving $68 for five minutes work. Makes me wonder what would have happened had I not questioned it, however.

My boss wants me to work tomorrow and take Saturday and Sunday off. He said that it's okay to write up the request for the conference in San Jose, so I'm one step closer to going. I was singing, "Do you know the way to San Jose?" this evening. I didn't get to the request at work, so I'm going to draft it tonight after dinner. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, sleep, dentist, clothes, work, mimi

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