Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2019 00:10

Had one of the muffins that my mom left for breakfast.

The utility company said that they don't light pilot lights, and recommended that we call an HVAC service. The HVAC service is coming Wednesday morning. The plus side is that I can go back to sleep after I feed the cats; the down side, of course, is no hot water.

My aunt accidentally gave me one of Mom's presents, which was a silk amaryllis that I really liked, so Mom gave it to me. Well, Mimi likes to chew it, so I had to put it out of reach. Sigh. Mimi is now lying on the kitchen table and is refusing to get off. Anyone want a cat? Cheap! Mom decided this trip that she likes Mimi though. She thinks that Mimi is really pretty.

Took a nap with Zara and Mimi. Ate some leftovers for lunch. Got a call from the library that a book is waiting for me. I don't particularly want the book because I bought cookbooks, but I might run down there anyway after a (cold!) shower. I need to return some books as well.

Took my cold shower. It's a simple way to feel virtuous. Or tough. I used the hand shower this time though, which made it much easier. I only had one part of my body freezing at one time.

Returned and picked up library books. Dropped off a purse at the thrift shop. I need to buy hair dye, but decided to go after work this week. I won't dye my hair until I have hot water anyway.

I was hungry, so I ate some more leftovers. Thank you Mom for producing so many leftovers (although I worry because she picks at her food). Zara is snuggling on my lap.

In one of my cookbooks, marked some recipes that I want to try. I want to eat the food that's in the house before I go on the diet, though, because I'm low on cash this month.

Took another nap. I think that I'm catching up from the holidays.

Wrote my goals for the year and long-term. I'm determined to make this a good year.

Watched the countdown on TV in New York City because it's fun. Stayed up to midnight my time. Now I'm going to go to bed and read. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, aargh, food, sleep, new year, mimi

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