Where Is My Car Key?

Dec 14, 2018 00:15

Called the hospital back. I told them that I'm doing fine, and that my experience there was as good as something like that could be.

I lost my car key. I had put some books in the car and locked the door, and went back in the house to get my purse and soda. Sometime between the time that I locked the car and went back out to unlock it, the key went missing. I'm using a spare key, but that one doesn't stay on the fob, so I'm afraid of losing it. I am really stumped where the key went.

I've been feeding the girls a trial of a food called Smalls. I think that it might be too expensive for every day.  They seem to like it though.

It's a three-day weekend for me because I'm taking Sunday as a vacation day. Then we work Monday and Tuesday, and then we're off for break. x-posted from Dreamwidth

aargh, doctor, cats, vacation

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