You Say It's Your Birthday....

Nov 12, 2018 22:25

Overslept my alarm. Still got up in plenty of time for my massage.

I made my coffee, but forgot to make my breakfast. Smooth move.

Google is wishing me a happy birthday. Uh, Google, that's creepy, not celebratory.

The massage was very relaxing. Oddly enough, her rubbing my ears and feet relaxed me the most. It was a shock to go from a warm massage room into the snow. The massage therapist was telling me that they're getting a sauna, so she's trying to drum up business. I don't know if I'll go for that, but I'd like to try and at least get a chair massage (which is shorter and cheaper) on a regular basis.

Then I ate gyros (and pumpkin pie!) at a local restaurant.

Then I headed to the movie theater to see Bohemian Rhapsody. I thought that it was excellent and really enjoyed it. My foot was tapping much of the time, which confused my fitness tracker. That's one way to get steps in!

Then I came home and finished my homework, which I think came out well. All in all, one of my more enjoyable birthdays. x-posted from Dreamwidth

school, food, massage, movie, birthday

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