Hell in a Handbasket

Oct 27, 2018 23:32

Ah, a cat fight. What a glorious way to start the day. Not. I chased Mimi off.

Oh awesome. I found a singing group in Lake Chapala, and apparently, the director gives voice lessons. This area is looking promising. There's an interesting English-language book club in Guadalajara too. (Lake Chapala is close to Guadalajara.)

Took a nap after wrangling with Mimi about her lying on me. She was especially stubborn today. (I did let her lie on me for a while. I'm not a big meanie. But she doesn't get the concept of "enough".)

Oh. My. God. Just looked at the New York Times, and saw the news about the synagogue shooting. When I was growing up in Evanston, most of my friends went to a synagogue down the street from me, and I was always worried that something like this would happen. I have no words. The haters are coming out of the woodwork.

Did laundry, scrubbed a litter box, cleaned part of the kitchen, and studied Spanish. Walked.

My Spanish lesson was frustrating as usual. My teacher doesn't realize that I blank out on English words too. I have been practicing. Sigh.

Talked to Mom for 2.25 hours. Holy cow. She's very upset about what's going on in the world, so we talked about that. We also talked about plans for Christmas. She also chided me about not knowing what I'm going to vote for in November, so I brought up the League of Women Voters site up. x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, voting, sleep, mexico, cleaning, omg, mimi, zara, mom

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