Cat Naps

Oct 16, 2018 23:27

Forgot to mention that I found Airbnbs in Puerto Vallarta that are even cheaper than the hotels there, and they have a kitchen. Promising.

Set up coffee, and forgot to turn it on. Guess that I'm groggy this morning.

Both cats have been hanging out in the window this morning. Zara broke off the ends of some of the slats of one of the blinds in one of the windows (thanks, Zara), and sometimes I see a Mimi face in the hole when I leave or come home. Today, Mimi was dozing in the window when I left, so I saw a cat face with her eyes closed.

The college has a carillon that you can hear from my place. It plays at noon and 6 PM. The students probably think that it's hokey, but it sounds cheerful to me. I was humming along to "Cabaret".

I wanted to throw a coat in the wash, only to find that Zara was curled up on top of it. I tried to pull it out from under her, and she hissed. Okay, Zara, you win. I'll throw it in later. This house is run by cats. Zara was completely zonked out on my coat when I left. I can see why she thinks that it's a good cat bed.

Zara was still on the coat when I came home for dinner, but she got up when I came in. I grabbed the coat (bad Mommy!) and threw it into the wash. I substituted another coat, and she seemed to think that was okay.

Walked over dinner. Gold star on my calendar!

My third Spanish book came in.

I'm getting a spiralizer for Christmas, and I looked up some spiralizer recipes, and they sound good. Mozzarella, Tomato, and Pesto Zucchini Pasta Salad sounds like a great lunch.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, cooking, mimi, zara, food, travel, college, exercise

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