Cash and Carry

Jul 01, 2018 21:51

Someone contacted me last night and wants to buy my Sodastream. We made a plan to meet this afternoon.

I woke up around 7:30 AM. Mimi went "Hm?" when I got up, but I told her to go back to sleep. Harlee and Zara are still asleep. No, now everyone's awake, but I'm getting a "Go back to sleep" vibe from them.

I'm feeling better today than yesterday (so far, anyways).

Went back to sleep for a while. Got up at noon.

The Sodastream person pushed the time to meet out until 4:30, so I need to figure what to do until then. I took a nap :)

Sold the Sodastream. There's a little extra cash and one less thing cluttering my place.

There's a "severe thunderstorm watch," but it looks like it might go past us again. There's thunder in the area though, and Zara, who freaked out about the fireworks last night, is sleeping right through it. It didn't miss us this time. I got caught outside and got drenched.

Took a nap. At least I should be well-rested when I go back to work tomorrow.

Got a start on cleaning the kitchen, but I have a ways to go. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, sleep, money, cleaning, harlee, mimi

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