Out Sick

Jun 29, 2018 22:02

Overslept for two hours and still not feeling well, so I stayed home sick today. Having a hard time getting moving to eat and feed the girls. All I want to do is just sit here.

Mimi thinks that if I'm talking, it must be to her. It's all about ME! ME! ME! MIMI! Goof.

Fed the girls and myself. I'm going back to bed.

I want to watch A Very English Scandal streaming on Amazon. Hugh Grant has been getting some meaty roles now, and apparently he has been equal to them. (He was fantastic in Florence Foster Jenkins.)

Awake after a nap in which I had a dream about making a meal in which everything went wrong.

GM now told Trump that tariffs will lead to layoffs at GM and a smaller company. Let's hope that he'll listen, although I'm not holding my breath.

Checked when the local fireworks will be, and it'll be on July 4th.
 Slept again. More weird dreams. Need to eat and feed the girls, then I'm probably going back to sleep. I might read a little first. x-posted from Dreamwidth

sleep, economy, tv, sick, mimi

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