Sunday Sleep Day

Jun 17, 2018 21:33

Slept a good long time. The girls look more well-rested and calmer too. Zara's in the window. Gave Mom a quick call to tell her 23andme was having a sale on DNA kits (she wants to do one), but she already got one from

I'm lying down to take a nap, and Harlee is complaining. Yes, things are back to normal. Really zonked out. Decided not to go to Aldi's because I just woke up from the nap and I'm hungry. Need to make a list though.

My tomato has blossoms!

Zara is blissfully asleep. She looks like a little angel. Hard to believe that she's the same cat who flipped out yesterday.

Went to change a light bulb, but it broke off in the socket. Bother. Folded laundry.

Got my new cable modem/router set up.  Connected to WiFi from my phone, netbook, and Roku. Cool beans.

I'm feeling shaky tired, so I think that I'll feed the girls and go to bed. Harlee wants some attention though.

Compared prices on and Amazon for cat supplies, and the prices are exactly the same, except for cat litter. Amazon has ridiculous prices for cat litter, but I'm happy to get it at Walmart. So Amazon wins because I get free shipping from Prime with no minimum. Not that Prime is free....

The cats don't trust me. Harlee was walking by, and I ran my hand down her back to give her a pet, and she took off. x-posted from Dreamwidth

chores, zara, mom, sleep, harlee, cats

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