
Jun 16, 2018 15:13

Pried myself out of bed early.

The guy arrived on time and shut off the gas. I ran into a small snag in that two out of three cats hid because the guy was here. I decided to make myself something to eat and wait them out. Zara has just emerged.

I grabbed Zara with a small towel, but she flailed when I was putting her in the carrier, and she got away. I chased her for a while, but then she hid at the side of the dryer near the back, I decided to get the other two--who are much easier to get into the carriers--and drop them off at work. I dropped them off and put signs on their carriers saying that they were my cats and that I was coming back. Then I went back home.

I finished my preparations for fogging. Then I sat down and talked to Zara for a while, who was still in the same spot, but she went farther behind the washer. I used a plastic snow shovel to get her out of there, and she ran through the house, and wound up in the bedroom, and I shut the gate. I used a bigger towel to try to get her in the carrier, but she was flailing around, and scratched the inside of my nose (which bled like crazy), and she got away. She hid behind the cat tree. I lay down on the bed and talked to her for a long time until she calmed down. I then tried to throw a blanket over her, but she went behind my wicker chest. I pushed the chest in, and she went into the closet. I got the blanket thrown over her and got her good and tangled in the blanket, and finally got her in the carrier. Whew.

I put her outside and set off the foggers.

Now we're all at work, where it's nice and cool and air conditioned. Harlee is meowing loudly, which isn't a surprise. Mimi is trying to convince me to let her out of the carrier, but no dice. There's too many places to hide in here, and I didn't bring a litter box. They'll be unhappy, but fine. They've spent a longer time in carriers when I moved them from Michigan.


OMG--Zara apparently got a couple of spots on my scalp, and there was dry blood down the side of my face, which I just cleaned off. She got her licks in.
  x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, aargh, harlee, cats, mimi

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