Movie Madness

Apr 19, 2018 22:47

The front desk worker is out again today, so I scrapped my "late day" (I'll come in late on Sunday) and scrambled to come in. Covered my boss's lunch. Did a couple of things, and I'm back at the front desk again.

Mimi and Zara were squabbling this morning. I told them sternly that I didn't want any Kitty Drama and broke it up. It amazes me that they don't fight when they're both on my, er, our, bed at night. Mimi stays at my head, and Zara stays at my feet. Maybe they're worried about what I'd do if they woke me up squabbling. Or maybe they think that they're kittens snuggling up to Mama Cat. When Harlee joins us, Mimi and Zara seem to think that it's a little crowded and either leave (Zara) or "ack" at Harlee (Mimi). Harlee loftily ignores them and lies halfway between them on top of me.

I'm tired. I picked up the movie that I checked out of the library, and am looking forward to sleeping in and watching the movie. I hope that I can fix my Internet access; I think that Harlee knocked the cable loose because she climbs over the router and cable modem rather than walking around. (Sigh.) If I can fix the Internet access, I want to watch some episodes of The Crown as well. And do homework and clean. I also found my gift card for the coffee shop, so I might hole up in there, work on homework, and nurse a chai.
 I've requested more movies from the library. It's a great deal! I also want to rent some movies from Redbox, although I could wait until they are available from the library. One newish movie (Darkest Hour) is now available from the library, so I ordered it. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, tv, movies, work, harlee, cats, mimi

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