
Apr 04, 2018 23:27

The results of my aunt's scan are back, and the cancer hasn't spread. That's good news.

Had problems getting up, but I got up in time for my teleconference call. I keep worrying that Harlee will start complaining during the call--and she is LOUD--but she slept in this morning.

We had a lockdown drill at work. I was fretting because one of the doors wasn't locked, but otherwise, it was pretty boring.

Starting to review Python for my class next week.

Tired. I think that I'm going to bed early.

Forgot to mention that It's been freaking cold--in the 30s F, and not the high 30s. WTF? Winter is hanging on for dear life.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

python, auntie a, work, harlee

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