Lazy Day

Mar 31, 2018 16:32

Woke up at 10. Decided to go back to sleep for a while after giving the girls dry food. Woke up at 1.

Trying to figure out what to do. I have some empty boxes that I want to put in the storage space because some of the boxes there are disintegrating. But it's really windy, and I feel like staying home today. Sunday, it's supposed to snow, and Monday it's supposed to rain. I guess that I could take the boxes next weekend.

Forgot to mention that I looked at veggie plants in the garden department at Wal-Mart last night. No herbs yet, except for some sage. I was eyeing some bolt-resistant lettuce. I probably should plant seeds instead though.

Watched an episode of Victoria. Set up NetFlix. They don't have Victoria and Abdul, so I'll need to rent it from Amazon. Bah. Actually, I was able to request it through the public library, along with a couple of books about Queen Victoria.

I bought some banana and walnut pound cake from Aldi's yesterday, and it's going fast. Delish. Burp :)

I think that I want to eat lunch and watch a movie. Too bad that I don't have popcorn. Need to add it to the list.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

food, gardening, sleep, movies, to-do

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