Home Again

Mar 20, 2018 15:34

I decided to stay home one more day after struggling to stay awake after sleeping the better part of 24 hours. Sheesh.

Not hearing back from the people at work though. Not sure what to do. Trying to stay awake until I hear something.

Looked at magazines online. Most of the most interesting magazines that I can get online from the library are no longer being offered. I can get Newsweek though and one of my travel magazines.

Finally did drowse off and slept for about an hour. Then Zara decided to climb Mt. Mommy and perched on my shoulder. She gave me a kiss (awww) and started grooming herself. When she got off, I decided to get up for a while. Found an e-mail from the front desk worker saying that my boss had gotten my message.
 Ate something. I'm planning to go back to sleep, but want to stay up during the evening so that I can get to sleep during the night. I'll probably work on the kitchen, which needs cleaning badly. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, sleep, work, sick

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