Murphy Was an Optimist

Mar 19, 2018 00:56

Last night, I had to put Mimi in "time-out" because she was harassing Zara. Zara took advantage of Mimi's absence by trying to groom my hair. She was not gentle. When I went to bed, Mimi was giving my face the once-over. Clearly I'm not clean enough as far as the cats are concerned.

Not feeling well this morning. But then I remembered that I forgot to come in late on Thursday, so I could come in an hour late today, so I could lie down for a while.

Overslept and scrambled. I decided that it was way too late to go out sick, so I made it in. Have a headache and upset stomach. Can't stop yawning.

Home for dinner. I had turkey hot dogs and some pesto potato chips from Aldi's. OMG, are the potato chips good. Too bad I can't send them to Mom. She hasn't been eating enough, and they might fix her right up. I thought about bringing some very ripe bananas with me to work, but I have the ingredients to make banana bread, so I'm going to make that instead.

Over dinner, I was reading a New York Times article about some first-generation students who don't have a way to get food over Spring Break. I wonder what our college does about that, although we do have a food bank. Puts my problems into perspective; the cats and I have plenty of food, even if I might have to eat something that I don't feel like eating.

Finally heard back from my instructor about my homework question. He said that he'll get back to me tomorrow. Of course, the homework is due tomorrow, so I'll probably have to take a hit on it. Annoying, but learning is the important part. He asked if I come up to campus, but I don't. I could come up on Friday if necessary. (Annoying because of the clusterf**k that this assignment has turned into. I'm not annoyed at my instructor because the first e-mail didn't go through to him.) Never mind. I stayed late to take a test, ran into the same problem, and figured it out.

Printer problems galore at work tonight. It would figure that both printers would have problems at the same time. Murphy was an optimist ;) x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, school, food, work, sick, mimi

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