Saturday Chore Day

Mar 17, 2018 19:58

It's tough to keep the girls eating their own food. Harlee cleans up Zara's and Mimi's leftovers. I just saw Zara eating Harlee's leftovers. As long as they're fed and happy, I guess that it's okay. But Harlee has a sensitivity to chicken, and I feed Zara and Mimi chicken cat food a lot.

Woke up around 9, decided that it was too early to get up, and slept until noon. Mimi was unhappy to be fed late. You could set a clock by her stomach.

Feeling queasy, so I'm lying down.

Feeling a little better. Zara's on my lap, which cures all ills. Now she seems to be taking a nap on my lap though. I need to get up and make pancakes.

Made and ate pancakes and did dishes. Looked for my Italian beans and rice recipe for later. Found it and bookmarked it.

Pretreated the carpet. (Need to get up early and wash it!) Cleaned the bathroom. Working on the kitchen.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, food, sleep, cleaning, harlee, sick

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