It's a Small World After All

Mar 04, 2018 20:25

I had a hell of a time getting moving this morning, so I ran a little late. And I didn't think about it being Sunday, and I don't know how often the buses run on Sunday. So I'm going to take an Uber to the conference center.

Right now, I'm at Denny's, and oh, it is a madhouse. Luckily, I'm alone and can sit at the counter.

I'm no longer an Uber virgin. I took an Uber from my hotel to the conference center. Nice, chatty driver. I'm checked into the conference, and am hanging out waiting for my session.

Man, I was out of it this morning. Forgot my laptop for my conference session, but luckily had my tablet. Forgot my partial too. Sheesh.

I nabbed a Diet Coke on break and am drinking it like nectar of the gods.

I was going to skip the Welcome Reception, but decided to go for a little while. While I was standing there drinking my soda and eating, two people came over and introduced themselves. One of them said that she was named Jennifer and she worked at Princeton University. That rang a bell, and I said, "By any chance, did you teach a cataloging class at Wayne State?" Yes, she had. She was one of my instructors in library school, and because the class was online, I had never met her in person. I really liked her.

They invited me out to dinner, but I said that I needed to do homework. (So much for clubbing, but I'm too tired anyway.)

Bought some soda and called an Uber. The driver, unfortunately, didn't know where my hotel was, so we looped around a little. The downside of Uber.

Came home to find my assignment is due a week from tomorrow rather then tomorrow. Just as well that I came back though because tomorrow is an early day. x-posted from Dreamwidth


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