Progress on All Fronts

Feb 27, 2018 23:50

Overslept, but not as badly as yesterday. My hand feels better without the brace. I found some ice packs in the freezer, which also helped. I'm trying to decide whether to wear the brace at work. (I did wind up wearing it but loosened it a lot.)
 I had a three-ring cat circus last night. Zara had the zoomies after I fed her, Mimi was chasing Zara, Harlee was meowing, and Mommy was cranky because her hand hurt. I finally scooped up Mimi and put her in "time-out" in the bedroom. Zara appreciated that. Mimi seemed to be afraid that I was mad at her because she gave me tons of kisses when I went to bed. I told her that I wasn't mad at her, but if she'd leave Zara alone, we'd all live happily ever after. I'm not holding my breath though. She's a cat with low impulse control.

The books that I ordered for the library are coming in. That's exciting! I want to read all of them! I was cataloging a book about joining the Peace Corps, and I looked into it a little. It might be something to do in retirement, especially if I get a TEFL certificate.

I'm going to splurge on one dinner in Austin. A vendor is getting a group of people together to eat at a restaurant that previously intrigued me, but I had ruled it out as too expensive. But I caved in :) The college will pay for most of it, but I'll have to pay a little extra. The food sounds fabulous though.

I can't get packing cubes for this trip, but they're on my list for the future. They aren't really that expensive.

I want to work on packing lists and to-do lists for Thursday and Friday before I go to sleep. x-posted from Dreamwidth

austin, harlee, mimi, zara, ouch, books, work, travel, cats

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