Feb 24, 2018 16:59

I swear that Harlee is complaining more, and she already complained a lot. I sat with her while she ate because she'll eat more if I do. Once she finished, she started meowing. Loudly. I grabbed my coffee, sat down with her, and turned on the Olympics. She went away, and came back meowing. Loudly. We snuggled some more. We repeated the cycle one more time, and then she finally curled up in her basket for a nap. I went into the kitchen to find that Mimi had taken over my chair. Cats!

Now I'm lying down for a short nap. Mimi was in my face, but she's settled down. Harlee is meowing again.

Overslept my nap, probably because it's rainy and dark out. Now I'm making pierogies for lunch.

I'm loving my new recycling bin. I'm throwing stuff in there with great glee. x-posted from Dreamwidth

food, sleep, harlee, mimi

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