It Was a Dark and Stormy Day

Feb 20, 2018 23:36

It was dark this morning. It was hard to fight the impulse to go back to sleep.

Apparently I forgot to put the trash out yesterday. Again. Need to put a reminder on my calendar.

I got a lesson in not jumping to conclusions. When I came in last night, I heard a door slam and the house shake, and I thought that it was my neighbors complaining that I was too loud. But they kept on slamming the door periodically. When I left this morning, I saw that my screen door was unlatched and had blown open. So that probably was some of the sounds. Some of them seemed to be coming from the neighbors, though, so I bet that their screen door was banging in the wind too.

I'm going to be able to take the rest of the week off after I go to the conference in Austin. That will make life easier because I'm going to be tired. I'm also going to take the Thursday before I go off, which will give me two days to pack and such. And I'm taking the Sunday after the conference off. (The powers that are want us to take two days off during Spring Break, which is the week of the conference. With travel, I'll be gone for five days. Hence the vacation days before and after.)

Watched more ice skating.

Note to self: spending time on Facebook won't help me reach my goals. x-posted from Dreamwidth

neighbors, work, austin

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