Oil, Lube, Filter

Feb 09, 2018 15:17

I had my six-month doctor's visit. She chewed me out for not having some tests done last fall, but I explained how crazy last fall was for me. Then I had a quick dental appointment. So now I'm good for another 60,000 miles.

I need to make a grocery list, but I think that I'll take a short nap first.

Overslept the nap a little. Don't know what to do because if I'm in the middle of a dream, I don't hear the alarm. At all. Both alarms had been going off for a half-hour when I woke up.

Got out to the grocery store and picked up Zara's meds and a bunch of food.

The weather forecasters are predicting freezing rain tonight and tomorrow night, so I stopped at work and grabbed people's cell phone numbers in case we need to remain closed on Sunday.

Now I'm heating water to make tortellini.

Kind of neat: I checked the Chicago Tribune to see the impact of the weather on the city, and there is a group who volunteers to shovel the sidewalks of senior citizens and others who can't shovel their walks. Community spirit in action!

Fed the hordes and myself. I think that I'm going to bed early because I've been tired and shaky all week. A good night's sleep should help. I have a lot that I want to get done tomorrow, plus I want to watch some of the ice skating. x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, food, sleep, weather

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