Technical Difficulties Again

Feb 08, 2018 00:27

I suck. I overslept and got onto my conference call late. Luckily, I think that I heard the important part. I don't know why that I've been oversleeping this week. I've been feeling under the weather.

Harlee won't eat her breakfast unless I put it in the basket that she uses as a bed with her. It's nice to be the Queen. (It just occurred to me that her sense of smell might not be as keen as when she was younger, and that's why I need to put the food right in front of her.) This morning, she was purring in my ear. One bit of good news: she seems to be making it to the litter box or near it, although she still has loose stools. It seems like the meds are working. I don't mind washing the floors more often if I don't have to keep washing the carpet all the time. So that's very good news.

I did a really bad job of describing a problem to our consortium as well today. Want to smack my head against the wall. I think that part of the problem is that I forgot to take my meds this morning. I also think that I'm dehydrated. Zara loves me, though, no matter what. (Although she loves me just a little bit more when I'm eating frozen yogurt.) And believe me, that keeps me going when I want to just give up. (I think that I was dehydrated because I drank some water and feel somewhat better.)

The conference that I want to go to the next academic (fiscal) year is starting to put up some info. It's at Niagara Falls, which should be nice. I just need to know how much registration is to be able to estimate costs.

I was looking at Twitter because that's where I asked about the conference (and asking on Twitter worked!), and noticed that I had said that I wanted to get involved in the Scholars at Risk Action Campaign, but never did. I have to admit that I thought about deleting the tweet, but instead, I'm going to get involved. Better late than never.

The nice guy on the cleaning crew whom I scared earlier in the week and who volunteered to brush the snow off my car then saw me bringing out my guitar tonight. He asked what was in the case, and I told him that it was a guitar, and he thought that was cool. He plays bass and two other instruments. He wished me luck on learning guitar. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, damn it, sleep, volunteering, work, harlee

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