Onward Into the Frozen Tundra

Feb 06, 2018 00:10

Mimi was lying on me before I went to sleep. I turned off the light and rolled over. Usually she goes and lies down at the foot of the bed. Instead, she lay down on my feet. So I contorted myself to get my feet out from under her. Mimi 1, Adrienne 0. But I disturbed her when I realized that I hadn't taken my meds and got up.

Spent some time at the front desk because the front desk worker was off this afternoon. Got to do some professional reading about teaching information literacy classes. Interesting book.

Wondering about the coming snow. The college closed the campus around 30 miles from here because of impending snow. We're supposed to get less snow here, but we're watching and waiting. And here it comes....It's snowing pretty hard. I did go home over dinner because my cell phone charger wasn't working, and I needed to get another one. Made it without too much slipping and sliding. And I picked up the guitar, so I can practice after I'm done working.

I was feeling a little queasy earlier, but eating dinner helped.

I just scared the daylights out of the cleaning crew, so I'm going to take off. Started learning my third chord though.

Made it home in one piece even though the roads aren't clear. Glad for my short commute.

Harlee freaked Zara out by yowling her tale of woe, which was that I was in the kitchen instead of paying attention to her. I hastily went over to her, so it worked :) x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, weather, playing guitar, work, harlee, cats, mimi

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