Cleaning/Mom Report

Jan 20, 2018 23:14

I started to pretreat the living room carpet. Then I stopped to clean off and wash the kitchen floor. Harlee's accidents took a lot of scrubbing. It looks good now, though, but Harlee already has had two accidents on the clean bathroom floor that I washed yesterday. She is really keeping me scrambling.

Mom is still very tired. Her hemoglobin is low, which might be part of the problem. The nurse who took her blood test is going to talk to the doctor about Mom's numbers. Mom still isn't eating much, but we spent a lot of time talking about food, and she thinks that anything that I make sounds better than what she has to eat. She is concerned about Harlee, and feels a kinship to her because they both have health problems.

I'm trying to get a used Fitbit that I bought to connect to the phone app, but am having issues. I'll try again in the morning, when fewer people are online.

I need to do some homework and go to bed. x-posted from Dreamwidth

mom, cleaning, harlee, fitbit

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