Online Errands

Nov 19, 2017 16:08

WalMart had a cheap platform for a platform bed. I sleep on a mattress on the floor, so I ws seriously eyeing it. Amazon had it too, and it had good reviews, so I bought it. It'll arrive on Tuesday. I want to get my bedroom completely "done" over Thanksgiving. (By the way, I did find my meditation cushions, and they're in the bottom of the dresser. It's getting there. Not sure where the zabuton is though.)

Ordered a prescription. Threw laundry in the dryer.

I'm trying to decide whether to get elephant earrings for my mom for Christmas. I already have a couple of presents for her, but I got her an elephant bracelet a couple of years ago, and she loves it. Earrings might be overkill though. (?)

Have a headache that I'm trying to get rid of.

Zara wants some attention.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

organizing, errands, zara, mom

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