I Have a Dresser

Nov 03, 2017 19:07

I had my appointment with my advisor at Heartland this afternoon. The appointment before me ran late. Mine was short though (changing my program to a Web Design certificate). After dropping some clothes off at the thrift shop, I hit the road to go get the dresser.

I got lost when I got close to the place. I finally figured out that I turned right instead of left. I liked the dresser and bought it. Luckily, it just fit into my car.

When I got home, the fun began. I did manage to get the dresser into the house and into my bedroom. That sucker was HEAVY though. I did chip a corner a little bit, but you can't even see it.

Now I'm resting a minute and having something to eat. Then I'll start putting clothes away in the dresser. (I probably will have too much stuff and need to cull stuff again.)

x-posted from Dreamwidth

organizing, school, moving, heartland

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