Mom Report

Oct 28, 2017 23:28

I got all my clothes hung up in my closet that need to be hung up. They fit, barely, but that's what counts. I have a bag of clothes to donate at the thrift store tomorrow. I don't have a dresser because my old one fell apart, so I was looking at used dressers online. I hope that I find one for not a lot of money. I also found and washed my velour blanket, so I'll be nice and toasty tonight. And I made progress on the kitchen.

Mom and I decided to not get together for Thanksgiving. She's not up for the drive--she still isn't sleeping well--and I'll need to board the cats at Christmas, so I don't want to shell out the money two months in a row. So I'll have extra time to get stuff done around here. I'll take the train up to Chicago at Christmas and meet my mom there.

I made grilled cheese and tomato soup when I got off the phone. It was good. Burp :)

x-posted from Dreamwidth

food, mom, moving

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