Another College Closing

Oct 24, 2017 23:27

The college at which my boss worked before here is closing. His timing was good. It's a bad time to be a small, liberal arts college like we are. I hope that we don't wind up closing. If anyone can get us into good financial shape, it's the current college president, but it all remains to be seen. Get to work, Adrienne, get to work.

It was cold and damp today too. I thought that it was really cold until I zipped up my jacket instead of wearing it California-style (open). However, the zipper broke. I need to get that zipper and the zipper on my medium-weight jacket fixed on Friday.

I also need to find out what my plans are for Thanksgiving. Will my mom come here, will I go there, or will we both stay home? I can't believe that it's the end of October already.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

mom, weather, thanksgiving, work

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