
Jun 16, 2017 20:14

Dyed my hair. While my hair was processing, I set up a presentation page on my professional Web site, and added it and a link to my Linked In profile on the site menu. (I didn't think that it made sense to post a PDF of my resume when it will quickly go out of date, and I'd have to update both it and my Linked In page.) Anyway, I decided that I rocked :)

I decided to wear cheap makeup because all that I'm going to do is laundry and then go to WalMart. The whole time that I was putting it on, I was thinking, "Ugh," but actually, it doesn't look too bad.

I had a conversation with a neighbor, who asked if my air conditioning was working. I said, "Yes," and she grimaced, but then I said. "It's cooling the downstairs well, but not the upstairs." She said that she had the same problem, so she closed some vents to get the a/c to cool the upstairs, and now it's not working. That's bad because It's been in the 90s F. I hope that they fix it.

I've put a load of laundry in. I need to go work on the bedroom before I lose my momentum.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

neighbor, to-do

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