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Dec 28, 2016 16:48

I'm really bummed about Carrie Fisher dying. I got a late start yesterday partially because I was watching the news. Rest in peace.

I also ran late because I did a makeover on my mom. I discovered that it's a lot harder to put makeup on someone else. I need to practice.

Finally, I left. Someone cut me off in Toledo, but I managed to slam on the brakes. I slammed them so hard that my suitcase flipped over. Then I missed a turnoff in Indianapolis. I wound up taking I-70 SW into Illinois, which got me about an hour south of the correct route. Then I picked up a route north that got me to the right route. I wound up rolling in about 3 AM.

Mimi, not surprisingly, hasn't been letting me out of her sight, and was on my lap last night when I was trying to eat. I expected Harlee to chew me out, but she was dubious about me at first, but then warmed up and was marking me like crazy. I just picked up Zara, so the gang's all here. Zara seems happy to be home, but isn't happy that I'm leaving her in the bedroom for now while she and Mimi get reacquainted.

I think that I'm going to spend a quiet day at home, mostly catching up on my classes. If I get ambitious, I'll work on organizing the bedroom and cleaning the bathroom. I need to get milk, so I might run out later.

Added: I'd really like to move closer to my mom, but can't do that now. I need to pare down my stuff and save up money for a move. I've always wanted to live in Ohio, which is closer to my mom, so I need to keep my eyes open.

moving, harlee, driving, mimi, zara, makeup, mom, cats

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