Well, That Was a Waste

Aug 19, 2016 17:27

This morning, I had an appointment with a nurse practitioner that was a complete waste of time. ("How are you doing?" "Fine. Refill my meds.") I liked her though. It was at 9 AM, which is earlier than I usually get up. Afterward, I planned to nap for a couple of hours, and then check some loads at work, make some phone calls and run some errands. (Today is one of my days off.)

I slept all afternoon. Bah. Talk about another waste of time, although now I should have plenty of energy to get things done.

I guess that I'll run to Dollar Tree and Aldi to pick up a couple of things, and then get cracking on cleaning. I can't believe that my mom will be here in less than a week!

And the Fall semester is starting on Monday! This summer went FAST.

sleep, doctor, college

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