Deadlines Focus the Mind

Aug 14, 2016 01:45

My mom (probably) is going to come for a visit at the end of the month. Lincoln has its big Balloon Festival (as in hot-air balloons) then. It's pretty cool to see hot-air balloons inflate and take off, so I've sold my mom on the festival. So I'm using the deadline of her coming as motivation to work on the place, and it's working. I got a lot done today.

My mom has come to the conclusion that she isn't eating enough, and that's part of the reason why she's been weak. I've been concerned about that for a while. So she's going to try to eat different foods, probably by eating out some, to get more nutrition in her. I hope that it works.

The poster girl for better nutrition, Harlee, keeps on getting better. I've tried giving her a half-can of canned food twice a day, and she's keeping it down, but with some soft stools. A little while ago, she was performing a major grooming session, which I'm glad to see.

decluttering, mom, harlee

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