
Dec 29, 2007 01:59

The wind is howling outside the hotel room window. I feel cold just listening to it.

We're in Chicago (actually Evanston). I went to see my friend Lance, whom I haven't seen for years. We had a lot of fun catching up.

It's been cold, windy, snowy, and treacherous. My mom slipped, fell, and broke a bone in her arm. She has a partial cast right now, and she'll get a full cast when she gets back to Detroit. My dad's sick with the flu.

The people at the hotel (Hilton Garden Inn) have been terrific. Mom said that they were really helpful when she had to go to the emergency room (and they gave her a box of chocolates when she came back). Later this evening, we brought back leftovers of Giordano's deep-dish pizza, the type of pizza that's too thick to eat without a fork. I mentioned to Mom that we didn't have a fork, and the desk clerk overheard, and went in search of silverware and plates (without us asking him to). Great service.

We're probably going to Michigan Avenue tomorrow.

evanston, lance, mom, chicago, dad

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