Chaos Corner

Jan 07, 2025 23:11

A friend recommended Bark Box, and I'm also looking at KitNipBox for the cats. This place is going to be all toys of various sorts. I'm wondering how to keep Bella from chewing the cats' toys. Maybe I should keep them up somewhere when they're not being played with.

Bella has decided that it’s bedtime already. She’s a morning dog.

Overslept and had to scramble because I was taking Oliver and Lily to the vet for their first checkup. Made it there, and they were pronounced healthy. I'm getting Feline Leukemia shots for them because I think that Oliver will get out sometime (he is fast), and there is an outdoor cat nearby.

Bella has started jumping up with her front paws on me. I don't mind it but don't want her to do that to anyone else, so I'll have to train her not to do that. Now I'm mulling over the training class again.

Bella is whining because she's lonely. I'll be down for lunch in a few minutes.

Crud. In the hour that I was upstairs, Bella got a roll of toilet paper and shredded it plus brought out some things that Oliver knocked down this morning. I thought about taking her out at lunchtime, but I had taken her out as soon as I got back from the vet, so I thought that she would be okay. Well, she pooped in the bathroom (at least it was the bathroom) when I lay down for my nap. Now she's sleeping. I guess that the moral of the story is if if I'm thinking of taking her outside, to take her outside.

Bella's pacifism doesn't apply to squirrels :) She chased one out of the yard. She saw another one in the tree, and was standing transfixed underneath it. Eventually, I got her to come in after telling her that it wasn't likely to come down if she's there.

Because Bella likes to shred things, I've been giving her empty Lean Cuisine boxes to shred. Maybe I should give her mail to be shredded! I ordered her some deer antlers (forgive me, Bambi) and rawhide bones from Amazon.

Bella saw another dog when she was out. We were coming in but she stopped cold. She doesn’t run over to other dogs, just looks at them.

Hmm. I have Pilates tonight, but I’m tired and Bella seems kind of fragile today. Plus it’s getting really cold tonight (19F/-7C now with a wind chill of 9F/-13C). I can rationalize anything :)

Zara has discovered the cat bed that I put in the library room for her. She was looking at Bella but then ran away. Lily and Bella almost went nose to nose.

I was realizing that Bella doesn’t understand me as much as I don’t understand her. But it’s been only a few days. She likes lying on the bed with me, so I could take some time to sit and read. Tried to nap, but decided that I want to do my chores and get to bed early.

I’m wondering if Bella needs a dog companion, but want to wait and see. The training class would be a good way to see how she interacts with other dogs. I did see a Sheltie online who likes cats and other dogs.

Got the garbage out. The cans were frozen shut, so I gave up and put the bag next to them.

Ate some soup and now I’m wiped out. I need to put clothes in the dryer (done) but I think that I’ll get up early to do dishes. Oh, and I need to feed the cats (done). And take Bella out for the last time tonight.

oliver, sleep, pilates, zara, chores, lily, bella, food, cats, dog

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